So the table drama is over (or at least we hope so!). After spending all day in Salt Lake going to 15, yes 15 different furniture stores we finally found the table we both agreed on. It isn't even close to what we set out to find (black pedistal table), but we both love it and will be glad to not have the card table when we move into the new house.
For the most part the boys were wonderful about being dragged from one store to the next and were really well behaved. But who can blame Ethen, after going into the 12th store and not "finding what mommy really wants" for saying
"Mom, we allready have a table, why do we need a new one?"
"Ethen we don't have a real table, we have a card table."
"But mom, it works as a table, do we really have to keep looking for a new one?"
"Yes Ethen, we really need to keep looking for a new one, it is time for mom and dad to grow up."
Finally in the last store we find what we want, but they won't deliver to Logan. I should say fortunately, but unfortuantely we have the same store in Logan, and they had the table on display there the whole time! Why oh why did we not go there first? Who knows. It is my life, and we like to do things the difficult way sometimes. But we were able to order the table on Saturday, and hopefully it should be here within the week. Yes folks after 9 years of marriage Matt and I are finally growing up. A mortgage of our own, and a 'REAL' table to match. Our families should be so proud!