T-ball lasted just over a month and a half. I wasn't sure how Ethen would do after our soccer debacle, but he insisted he wanted to play so we paid the money with the understanding that the money would come out of his new bike fund if he refused to play.
Thankfully it didn't come even close to that. He LOVED every minute of it. Even the practices. He had games on Tuesdays and Thursdays and then practices on Saturday afternoons and wished he had more (we were grateful he didn't, and it scares me to think of having 3 boys in sports!)
He was a lot of fun to watch, but hey it was t-ball. BUT it made me very excited for the prospects of little league, and I hope at least one of my boys stays interested long enough for that!

On a side note,
Ethen's uncle Alex is serving a mission in England. Uncle Alex's very favorite sport is Baseball, his very favorite team is the Yankees and his number was always #3.
Ethen was very excited to learn that he was on Uncle Alex's favorite team and that he got to be his number also!