So yea! The Basement is done! At least most of it is. We have a few things here and there to add, but the walls are painted and the carpet is in - - - so it is livable. And of course one of the first things done was to put Matt's tv on the wall! MEN!
This is the family room. Long and lovely! Don't ask about the green paint (it was a nightmare to pick out!) but it turned out wonderfully in the end.

The boys crawl space toy storage etc. Ethen picked out the color (I know I was feeling brave!) but we think he did a great job! They even got to help paint it.
This is my laundry room. I still have flooring to do in here, but I am SO excited about the color. I know it is a little wild, but hey it is a laundry room, and who needs to love it but the one doing the laundry!
This is what will be the "guest bedroom". As Ethen and Nait put it "Grandma and Grandpa's room. I still need to put up the glaze stripes on the wall, but just didn't get them done before the carpet came. Could have been worse!
So now all we need now is a bed and we are set. Come visit whenever! We FINALLY have the room to have you over! I am sure there are little things here and there we will always be working on, I mean, come on, the walls can't stay bare forever!~ But we are LOVING the space!