3 weeks old

So here I am officially caught up! Today marks Aiden's third week with us, and I can't believe it has gone by so fast! Ethen and Nait absolutely adore him and love to hold, kiss, hug, ok maul their brother as much as possible. For the most part they are awesome helpers (Nait doesn't like dealing with "stinky" diapers!) and I am grateful they have adjusted and love him as much as they do.
Aiden is growing like crazy. He had dropped to 8lbs 3oz when we left the hospital, and at his 2 week apt he was past his birth weight at 8lbs 14oz. What amazes Matt and I is how strong he is allready. He likes to lay on his tummy and push his head up and look around.
Oh yeah, he HATES the Bath! Really, he just hates being naked. He screams like this whenever you change him or get him dressed in the morning. He just doesn't like to be messed with!
It still amazes me how much your heart grows with each new child you are blessed with. I am grateful for my children. More than I can ever express!
Me, I am dealing with the sleep loss (like I was getting any before~) but really I am lucky, for the most part he sleeps really well at night. I think this tired thing is just going to be apart of my daily life from now on!
First week home
So our first week home was quite the week. We were lucky to have grandma D here with us to make us food and yummy cookies! But mostly it was a week of tanning beds and heel slices for the little man. Because of the bruising on his face, Aiden's bilirubin levels were pretty high so we got to bring the lights home with us. Now I am grateful we didn't have to keep him at the hospital, but it is very hard to have your baby home and not be able to hold him because he has to be in the "suitcase tanning bed" 24 hrs a day. Every morning we would go to the hospital lab and have his heel sliced to retest his levels. Let's just say that by the end he didn't even flinch when they sliced him.
Aiden was quite the trooper and slept really well. We had heard horror stories and we were very lucky to have such a good baby!
Days under lights: 6
Heel Sticks: 7
Brothers First Meeting
Because Aiden came after bed time, Ethen and Nait didn't get to see him until the next morning. Here are some pics of my boys and their first meeting.
He's Here!!!
Aiden Tomas Bartlett FINALLY made his appearance on February 17th at 8:40pm. He was 8lbs 10oz and 20 in long. He tried to come out "sunny side up" so his face was pretty beat up and bruised, but other than that he was healthy and quite the screamer.
Enjoy the pics!
My Birthday!
The boys were awesome and helped Matt make a cake for me. Chocolate with strawberries and cream cheese frosting! YUM!!
More Sledding
What else can you do to get rid of those winter blahs then to enjoy the snow that you have? Here was another Saturday that we spent with the Ryan, Cindy, Dax and Kelton at a park up on Clifside in Logan. It is a soccer field that is in a bowl, so it is the perfect hill to sled on.
Ethen, Dax and Nait
The boys really had a lot of fun, and I was really proud of them for trying out the BIG hills!
Here are the boys racing
Ethen and Matt
Nait and Matt
Don't you just love Nait's Squeals down the hill! Priceless!
New Year's Eve
Don't they all look a little bit like Zombies? Oh well. They were all awake and enjoyed the countdown to midnight, and then went to sleep around 1am. You would think going to bed that late they would sleep in just a bit! Ha, you haven't met my boys!
Snow, Snow and Sledding!
Well we didn't get snow at grandma's house until the day AFTER Christmas. But it was still nice to see some white stuff at Christmas time. And it decided to dump quite a bit.
Here is Nait on the day it snowed. He was pretty excited that it was high enough to ALMOST cover him!
The next day was a pretty sunny one so we took the boys and their cousin Gracie to the park next to Grandma's house and went sledding. It was a lot of fun!
Ethen and Nait
Nait and his Snow Angel
Aunt Carlie and Gracie
All Things Christmas
Here are a few pics from Christmas. The Ethen got a car set and Nait got all things space men this year, but the big score for the family was a WII! Love it!
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