Pumpkin Walk
This was Ethen's favorite and the boys new thing is Veggie Tales
(there is a pirate movie out that they love!) Kung Foo Panda
One of my favorites was the Noah's Ark. Especially the Elephants in the ark!
This was Matt's favorite. They had hooked up a water feature to come out of the pumpkin. Very Cool!
Just So you Know

He always has plenty of help:
Especially with Nait. Nait would work with Dad all day long if I let him!
Ethen is always good for a little muscle:
Here is the finished look so far. The path will make its way through the gate and to the back patio.
A day in American Fork
Dino Park with Grandma
It was interesting to learn how many different types of Velosirapters there are. Sure glad they are not still around. They are mean little buggers!
This is sooooo true!
So the pic is kindof blurry, but this is a rainbow trout that is about as big as they get. Matt sooo wants to break into the park at night an catch this thing just so he can get his picture with it, and then let it go. This thing was HUGE!
Anyways if you are in the area and have boys, this is an awesome place to go. They also have a museum indoors with lots of petrified stuff and the skeltons etc. If nothing else it is a great advertisment for the Jurassic Park movie trilogy. Mom, Matt and I have decided we need to have a marathon evening with a T-Rex.
Ethen at Kindergarten
He wanted to ride his bike to school and park it on the bike rack "Like the big kids, Mom."Ok, I lied. I did cry, but only when Ethen turned to Nait, told him goodbye, gave him a big hug and said "be good for mom Nait, I will be home later".
What an Awesome Big Brother!
My Joys for the Day

The Weekend
Meanwhile, Nait and I had a fun filled weekend ourselves visiting 3 parks, shopping, renting movies and eating popcorn, and best of all . . . . . . .

Taking Wendy's food into Costa Vida. HEHEHEHE, Nait thought we were being soooo naughty! Hey I don't care how many dirty looks I got from the Costa Vida Staff, Nait got to eat what he wanted and I got to eat what I wanted. Can't get any better than that!