
Ethen's Birthday Party

Ethen is turing 5! This is the first year we have done a REAL friend party and he was VERY specific about what he wanted to do.

Invite 4 of his VERY BESTEST friends . . . . .

Take them miniture golfing. . . .

And go down the VERY BIG slide on "those bean bag things."

Now, I will say that golfing with 5 kids 5 and under. . . . . .

is a challenge . . . . .

and we had our casualties along the way . . . .

But they all had a lot of fun and it was WAY worth the time in the sun. Matt and I had a blast watching them run all over the course and running up and down the soft play arena.

And best of all: "It was my best birthday ever Mom!"

(I am not sure how to flip this. It was right when I filmed it! oh well)


Unguren said...

That looks like a lot of work and a lot of fun. Happy Birthday.

Fonzareli said...

Looks fun. About as much fun as my first birthday party (hehehe) HAPPY BIRTHDAY ETHEN!!! Love Fonz