A Greenville Christmas
Nait turns 3!
Here is the song. One of these days I will remember when I am holding on to the camera, that I am MUCH louder than anyone else because I am holding onto the camera! Oh well, enjoy my off tunenuss! Oh yeah, and one of these days I will figure out how to turn the video right side up!
The first BIG snowfall
Matt and his new TOY. Ok it is for work, but somehow, I SWEAR, we had agreed we didn't need a snowblower this year, and yet he managed to have me agree to let him buy one.
Nait was really enjoying the white stuff! He has found out he LOVES to eat it too. (as you will see from the MANY snow pics to come. Everytime I turn around he will be putting snow in his mouth!)
Ethen was an AWESOME brother this day (once I gave him MY gloves because his were "letting all the snow in") He took Nait on a couple of laps around the front yard.
Dad took his turn taking the boys on the loop. He got going a little too fast around one corner though, and dumped both boys off the sled with faces in the snow. After that he was told he couldn't go THAT FAST.
My boys. They are growing up so fast! It is fun to see them enjoy the simple things of life though. Sledding around the front yard isn't much, but they loved every minute of it!
A day in Salt Lake

Seeing the lights on Temple Square is one of my favorite memories from when I was a kid. Hopefully we will be able to keep this as a tradition with our boys for year to come.
Ethen: look at the boys form! All that time practicing on the Wii has paid off!
Here is Dax. He was having a lot of fun, but I don't know how much fun his dad was having watch the ball going SLOWLY down the lane!
Uncle Tyler
As you can see Uncle Tyler didn't have the game he was bragging about. He is just going to have to come up and show us up another time.
SOON, the boys say SOON!
After the trunk or treat we came home and had some dinner and then headed out to a few houses outside our neighborhood so that we weren't hitting the same ones we did for trunk or treat. Grandma and Tyler were here and it was a fun night. Ethen was very excited to go from house to house and didn't want to wait for anyone. Nait on the other hand I think would have been happy with just going home and eating the candy he had from earlier.
Buzz Lightyear
My boys! Ethen was loving the vampire teeth.
Our Jet Pilot Fighter Man